Exploring the Restrictions of Zapier's Free Plan

Gabriel Oliveras

Gabriel Oliveras

· 5 min read

Looking to streamline your business processes? Well, look no further than Zapier! The best part? Zapier offers a free plan to help you dip your toes in the automation waters. You can create and execute basic workflows to test the waters and see if Zapier is the right fit for you. However, it's important to note that the free plan does have its limitations. Let's dive into what those limitations are and what you gain by upgrading to a paid plan.

1. Limited Zap Quantity:
On the free plan, Zapier restricts the number of zaps you can run. Currently, the limit is set at 5 zaps. Zaps, in Zapier lingo, refer to automated workflows. It's important to note that only active zaps count towards this limit. So, if you're looking to run more than 5 automated workflows simultaneously, it's time to consider an upgrade.

2. Single-Step Zaps Only:
The free plan only allows for single-step zaps. What does that mean? Well, a single-step zap consists of one trigger and one action. For example, let's say the trigger is a form submission on your website, and the action is adding the submitted person's details to your CRM. This simplicity might be great for some, but if you're looking for more complex, multi-step zaps, you'll need to upgrade.

So, while the free plan is a fantastic starting point, it's important to consider the limitations it brings. If you find yourself needing more zaps or multi-step workflows, upgrading to a paid plan will unlock the full power of Zapier. Don't worry, though, you'll still be saving time and effort with the automation wizardry of Zapier!

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There are 61 premium apps exclusively accessible to Zapier users on paid plans. Nevertheless, Zapier still offers a plethora of other apps for connection, even on the free plan. However, some essential premium apps are not available on the free plan. These include Shopify, Salesforce, Zendesk, PayPal, and Facebook Lead Ads, among others.

On the free plan, Zapier lacks the feature of setting up filters for your zaps. Filters are steps that allow you to halt the zap's execution based on specific criteria. Filters are counted as steps, and incorporating one into your zap transforms it into a multi-step zap. For instance, if your zap is triggered by a form submission on your website and you only want to send follow-up emails to individuals with a company email address, you can add a filter to check if the email address ends in @google.com or @yahoo.com. If it does, the zap will stop running.A zap of this nature cannot be executed on a complimentary subscription. Additionally, the formatter steps allow for the transformation or reformatting of input data to be utilized in subsequent steps of your zap. However, these steps are only available on a paid subscription.

Another limitation of the free plan is the absence of custom integrations. While there is a wide range of apps available on Zapier, unless they are marked as premium, they can be used on the free plan. However, there may be instances where you wish to connect to an app that is not available on Zapier. In such cases, you have two options: connecting to the app via their API using webhooks or creating a custom integration. Both of these options require a paid subscription.

Furthermore, on the free plan, errors that occur in Zapier will be recorded and reported to you, but no further action will be taken. However, with the Professional paid plan and above, there is an auto-replay feature. This means that Zapier will attempt to run the zap again after a brief pause if an error occurs. It will continue from where it left off before. After multiple retries, if the zap still fails, the error will be reported to you.

Lastly, Zapier Paths is a highly popular feature that allows you to create advanced workflows using branch logic. This feature enables you to execute multiple actions based on specific filters. It is one of the standout features of Zapier.Looking to leverage the full potential of our platform? You'll require a subscription to our Professional plan or a higher tier. If you're in need of assistance from an automation expert, feel free to reach out to us. Don't hesitate to contact us for any further inquiries.

Gabriel Oliveras

About Gabriel Oliveras

An ardent tech enthusiast with an entrepreneurial spirit. Gabriel dives deep into the intricacies of business processes, optimizing processes, understating people and making communication between them more efficient.